Azahar Award for Research Talent to Hajj Jalid Nieto, Bellavista

Bellavista recognises the research and teaching career of Sidi Jalid Nieto, director of communication at the Mezquita de Sevilla Foundation.
In an event held at the Bellavista Civic Center, last Wednesday, April 6.
He received the diploma and insignia of these mentions, and had to make the closing speech of the event.
A speech focused on the memory of the most outstanding neighbors in the construction of a society of coexistence in the fifties and leaders of the neighborhood movement.
The event organized by the community “Ganar vida”, had the support of the Municipal Board of the Bellavista-La Palmera District and the Neighborhood Association “Unidad” of which the winner was president in the early 80s.
Below is Hajj Khalid Nieto’s speech that closed the gala and a photo gallery.


SENSE AND COMMUNITY Joaquín Nieto Moreno

Here you are, in song and soul, the man He who loved, lived, died inside And one fine day he went down to the street then understood: and broke his verses.

To the vast majority.
Blas de Otero

Every man and woman in his life represents what he or she is working on.
He perseveres in an action that characterizes and distinguishes him.
And it takes on a meaning for which it will be remembered.
Thus, when life is communal and associative, our growth is done beyond the borders of our family, we live our street, school, square or neighborhood, and as human beings who acquire individuality and become genuine, other people fill our interior with meanings, in a coexistence that we do not forget.
They rise in value when we need them and serve as examples when our decision falters.
I have traveled the world with my land in my heart, proud to have been born in the farmhouse of the room and to have grown up in Bellavista, with its people, with those who are here today and those who have left us.
Oh my soul friends!
Those who filled my youth with lived values and served as support to me to look into the world of diverse concerns.
The world of illusory reality that confuses us so much.
If I name you, you are present, and if I describe you, you appear alive in my memory.
You have set a direction and given meaning to many actions and people who knew you.
Today I’m talking about you.
Bellavista, la salud, a community founded between 1925 and 1938, whose name, referring to a place, may have many stories.
But Bellavista as a social fact has a value whose knowledge transforms.
Those who lived through the rupture of our country can understand what it meant to build a society in the Spain of the 50s.
Here there were brave people who rolled up their sleeves and got down to work.
The first community was those who came from the hardships of the canal, and those who came to build and run the farm school of the deputation.
Hand in hand they worked to restore dignity, honor, respect to a fractured society.
They were brave, they gave of themselves, they reconciled their ideas, for the ideal of coexistence.
What was later called NATIONAL RECONCILIATION we had already experienced here.
This was possible thanks to men like Juan García.
He was distinguished by his faith in work, a capacity that makes men worthy of what life gives them.
A man connected to ancestral knowledge that put him in communion with nature, from which he took his elixirs.
And this deep sap was disposed in understanding towards others.
I have understood many things over time, Don Juan.
I must call him that.
Mr. Juan Muñoz Escamilla.
The Doctor of Bellavista.
Dedicated to people he respected.
The man of authority who was close, brave, who understood his destiny.
The Man of Ideal Xtno.
who sat down with all those who wanted to collaborate to improve their neighborhood.
A person without ostentation.
That he chose Bellavista until the end when he could have chosen another place.
He could fill pages with his memory.
But he and his guzzi are in the hearts of all of us. Society is built, with art and education.
How would we understand life without the spirit of perfection?
The artist seeks it and the pedagogue seeks it.
Our neighborhood was sown with it.
Master Leo.
That on the outside he was the small shopkeeper in a bread shop.
But for connoisseurs it was the flamenco roots sunk in the mud of Bellavista.
A seed of heart-rending energy like the strumming and arpeggios with which he made his guitar vibrate.
Cradle of flamencos and guitarists.
Like Matilde Cabrerizo, it was the cradle of men and women.
Because the teacher who carries it in his blood, there is no circumstance that he misses to teach.
Doña Matilde, in her immense pedagogical will, made a school with her person.
In that most depressed area of Bellavista.
Elevating their neighbors.
Opening doors to generations.
Seeking time to listen and advise those who required it.
Standing up to being “a woman” in a difficult time.
Citizenship and fundamental rights.
A conquest that is made day by day.
An effort of generations.
A will that we cannot fail to express.
And we have to say to ourselves that we are citizens.
Not taxpayers and consumers.
And resist the push of alienating markets.
Because Manolo Gonzalo’s legacy, his life of dedication to the cause of the disadvantaged, his repeated citizen and union action, his impulse not to let what he had conquered lose kept him active in the citizens’ movement until his spent heart failed.
And how close we have Torcuato Hidalgo.
He was the kind citizen.
The man who day by day makes a neighbor.
With his inseparable partner.
The man and woman who build together.
A presence that sweetened the knowledge of this struggling neighborhood.
Commitment and ethics of recognizing the good in others.
Dear Alonso Balosa.
How lucky to lead such brave and dedicated people.
In you we linked those expectations of seeing students and workers together.
We dream of a society of justice, where the voice of the voiceless would be heard.
Tenacious in your militancy.
Representative of our hopes in a city council that always turned its back on us.
We have said with pride, Bellavista was in the first post-Franco city council.
My respect, comrade and friend.
Our neighborhood knows what it means to build.
With your own hands.
In a group, with friends or associates of an entity.
Because the community that has worked to build a space for its elders with a spirit of solidarity, has its continuity assured.
Alfredo Romero.
Tirelessly supportive.
With people and with your neighborhood.
Your love of culture made your newspaper corner the soul of reading in our neighborhood. How much encouragement to our longings that were opening up to the world.
How much advice on the actions we undertook.
Always responsive.
Always dedicated.
We have taken this vital essence.
Nothing can stop us.
As individuals and as a community.
And we have to continue.
We have to continue.
Young people! These men carried out their work in their lives.
Beyond the elevation.
In a spirit of service.
Responding to the need of your time.
Let us not forget that our civic dignity, our fundamental rights, freedom of expression, assembly, belief, have been built with many lives dedicated.

Now I return to my being, around my most immortal work: that brave festival of living and dying.
The rest is superfluous.
I say live.
Blas de Otero.

Joaquín Nieto Moreno

Bellavista April 6, 2016