
The Hajj: Catalyst for Internal and External Change

El Haŷŷ: catalizador del cambio interno y externo

The Hajj is unique, and the truth is that there is no event in the world that can compare to it. I would like you to do an exercise with me now. Let’s imagine for a few moments, that we can see, that for thousands of years we have had a screen on which we see the surface of the …

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The Wisdom of Luqman Al Hakim

La sabiduría de Luqman Al Hakim

Today I would like to speak of a wise man, a righteous man to whom Allah gave wisdom and knowledge, a man whose journey through this world was permeated with hikma at all times, a man who was given a choice between prophecy and wisdom and chose the latter, a man of deep reflection and certainty, that he loved Allah …

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Facebook “likes”

Los like de Facebook, Shaij Ahmed Bermejo

This past week I have been very attentive to social networks, I have been looking at the comments of my contacts, and of others who are not contacts but who appear on Facebook. And reading many of them I have become very sad and worried. I have become sad and concerned because I see that, not in all but in …

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On behavior and adab, Sheikh Ahmed Bermejo

In the materialistic world where we live today, we very often forget one of the foundations of our path, one of the foundations that we as Muslims must adopt in our lives; and this basis is perfectly summed up in the well-known hadith in which the Messenger of Allah, Salla Allahu Alaihi wa Salllam.Said: “I have certainly been sent to …

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Razan Nayyar, The Girl with the Red Scarf

Yesterday in the salat of Taraweeh we recited the surah of ‘Ankabut, the surah of the Spider. In this surah there is a well-known verse in which Allah likens those who take other gods – other protectors, others in whom they put their longings and trust, others in whom they seek the benefit that is not Allah – likens them …

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Sheikh Ahmed Bermejo’s full seminar on Ramadan

Below is the text about the seminar that took place a few days before the beginning of Ramadan at the Mosque Foundation of Seville, in which Shaykh Ahmed talks about the fiqh of fasting and the importance and value of the noble month of Ramadan. – Download PDF document – — SEMINAR THE RAMADAN FAST SHEIKH AHMED BERMEJO RAMADAN FAST …

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Good and evil. Sheikh Ahmed Bermejo

Today we get a little “technical” again to try to clarify an aspect that has great importance in our belief, in the belief of Ahlu sunna wal yama’ah. It is an aspect that concerns us all and that we should know, because not doing so can lead us to have an incorrect belief and to have a bad opinion and …

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