
Khutba: Proud to be a Muslim

Servants of Allah, you should know, may Allah be pleased with you, that Allah, Subhanahu wa ta’ala, has created us to worship Him alone, without associate; And in this sincere worship is where our strength lies. It is in this worship of Allah, which we know to be in many different ways, that we will find the energy we need …

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Khutba: Contentment and Gratitude

Allah says in His Noble Book: “Say: ‘My slaves who have transgressed against yourselves, do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Verily, Allah forgives all wrong actions. He is the One Who always forgives, the Most Merciful.” Contentment and gratitude to Allah for what He has written and decreed for us is part of the Imam and the acceptance …

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Khutba: In unity is strength

Servants of Allah: Verily, Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, has commanded the sincere believers to unite in communality, to remain united, and warns them about separation, strife and strife; he says: “Hold fast together to the rope of Allah and do not be separated” (Family of Imran, 103). Verily, Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, has commanded sincere believers to unite in community, …

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Khutba About the Council

Muslims: I exhort you to have Taqwa from Allah, to be sincere with each other and to help each other to achieve success and triumph in this life and in the Hereafter. Know that Allah is pleased with you, that Allah has created man and has put in him the instinct of companionship, of community, of life with his fellow …

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Khutba on ISIS and the Jawariŷ.

We are all shocked and terrified by the images and news coming out of Gaza showing the burned and mutilated bodies of our Muslim brothers and sisters, men, women and children, trapped with nowhere to flee or hide, killed in their own homes with lethal bombs and missiles. The images break our hearts; and how could they not when it …

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