On the evening of Friday, June 8 at the Casa de la Juventud, premises provided by the Exmo.
Huelva City Council celebrated an open and social breaking of the Fast.
Organized by the Al-Mouassat Association, under the direction of Hannane El Gueliy and the collaboration of the Onuba Islamic Community whose coordinators were Mr. Mustafa Bugaba and Mr. Ali El Amine.
The event proceeded smoothly, beginning with a Qur’anic recitation by Mr. Mohammed Meklaa.
The panel of speakers was then formed, which after the presentation of each of the speakers, Hannane, gave the floor.
He thanked in a singular way the presence of the Andalusian Parliamentarians Mrs. Manuela Serrano and Mrs. Beatriz Rubiño.
The welcoming words were pronounced by Mrs. Alicia Narciso, stressing that the City Council wants to consider its citizens in equal rights, regardless of their cultural or religious roots.
Mr. Oussama expressed a list of thanks and concluded with the translated reading of the Qur’anic Verses which say that Allah created us different so that we would recognize each other.
And he united our hearts above differences.
Finally, Hajj Khalid Nieto, director of communication of the Mosque Foundation of Seville, gave a Ders in which he brought to the present how the inhabitants of the RIBAT, where the monastery of La Rábida is located today, lived.
He explained the etymology of this word and the pattern of life of the people who defended that position.
Explaining the pillars of Islam in a didactic way to those present.
The most exciting part was calling these murabit, the people of the ribat, defenders of freedom.
And he opened this act to the defense of economic freedom, the defense of the Deen and the protection of the people of the book.
He concluded with a quote from Ibn Khaldun where the principle of the noble qualities of humanity was defined, Good judgment, loyalty, generosity, respect for the elderly, protection of wisdom, protection and succor to the needy, showing humility before them, etc.
After this phase, we went to the room prepared for 120 people where we shared the iftar after hearing the Adham given by our dear Abdelhaq.
After the Maghrib prayer, we had an excellent dinner that led to a warm dialogue among those present.
We can say that for the first time it had an enormous acceptance and Allah filled this act with Baraka where neighbors of diverse beliefs fraternized.
We thank you for having kept the Seville Mosque Foundation in mind in the person of Hajj Khalid and Sidi Malik Gil, who made an extensive visual report of this event.

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