COMMUNICATION – Suspension of the Islamic Days of Almonaster 2020

Dear collaborators and participants in the Islamic Culture Conference of Almonaster. By direct communication of the Excmo. Mayor of Almonaster, Mr. Jacinto José Vázquez, we have received with regret the news of the suspension of the 2020 edition of our traditional Jornadas de Cultura Islámica de Almonaster.

The City Council has assessed that given the massive attendance at this event and given the uncertainty that still generates the covid19 is better not to expose the residents of Almonaster to a relationship with visitors who during these dates come to the Conference.

Also, knowing that the neighbor D. Rafael Arroyo, collaborator of the conference as sound technician, has died as a result of the coronavirus, we have conveyed our sincere condolences to the Hon. Mayor, so that he transmits it to his widow and son.

At the same time we have put ourselves at your disposal for whatever you need from our Foundation in the design of a reduced and intimate edition of the conference if so deemed by the Hon. City Council.

And we have made joint vows for the improvement of this situation that our country and the rest of humanity are going through.

If there are any changes, we will inform you immediately.

Seville, Tuesday, June 2, 2020