Dhikr evening and dinner open to the public at the XVIII Conference of Islamic Culture of Almonaster

As usual since the first edition of the Almonaster Islamic Culture Days, the Muslim community brings life back to the beautiful Mosque of Almonaster la Real for a few hours, in an intimate act of dhikr (remembrance), open to visitors and where at the end all attendees are invited to share a dinner.
The act begins with the Adhan (call to prayer), then the Maghrib salat (sunset prayer) is made.
Afterwards, the nature of what they are witnessing is explained to the attendees, and continues with the recitation of the Qur’an, Salat an Nabi (prayers for the Prophet, peace and blessings upon him) and poems that call for the remembrance of the Beloved.
At the conclusion of this, a ders (discourse) was given in which the Divine oneness was called.

Photographs by: @mezquitasevilla @jesuss_olmedo @jarcin @emepunto