Eid al Fitr, Saturday, July 18, Seville

The Eid al Fitr prayer will be celebrated in Alamillo Park. The dhikr will start at 9am, the Salat will be at 9.15am. Remember that Zakat al-Fitr must be given before the Eid prayer.
According to the Maliki fiqh, one sa ́a (*) must be given per person, of some basic, non-perishable food.
It can be dropped off at the mosque from the 27th night of Ramadan, or taken to the place of Eid prayer, before Salat.
(*) 4 mudud.
1 to the mud is the measure reached by filling both palms of the hands placed together and half-open.
Which would be the equivalent, depending on the volume, of approximately 2kg per person. Address of the place of prayer for the day of Eid: