Frederic Kanoute: “A French life has no more value than that of a Palestinian child”

The former Mali player with French nationality, Frederic Kanoute, has defended that life has no more value than another because it is from a certain region or country.
In addition, he regretted the different reactions that occur when attacks occur in Europe or the United States, or in Africa.
“In Europe everyone shows solidarity and turns out when it happens in a European or American country and if it happens outside nothing happens, they kill each other.” Frederic Kanoute, a former Mali player with French nationality, has defended in Al Primer Toque that life has the same value regardless of the region or country it is.
“A French life has no more value than that of a Palestinian child.”
He also regretted the different reactions that occur when the attacks are in Europe or the United States, with those that occur when they are in Africa.
In Europe everyone shows solidarity and turns out when it happens in a European or American country and if ithappens outside nothing happens, they kill each other.”
Kanuté has also highlighted the lack of communication when it comes to expressing the opinion of Muslims.
“Unfortunately since 9/11, I have not stopped having to explain that 99% of Muslims do not accept these atrocities and are peaceful people.” “You have to tell people not to jump to quick conclusions like our religion pushes for violence or something like that, it’s the opposite.” And he has charged against those responsible for the attacks. “These people have shown that they are enemies of the whole world.
They are terrorists and they kill people without distinction of color, religion or anything.”
In addition, he explained the problems suffered by many young people in France, and what leads them to radicalize.
“In France there have been social problems for many years: Their ideas change and at 18 or 20 years old, without having had a good education, they can easily get caught up in these things.”