Frederick Oumar Kanouté receives International Benevolence Award, Turkey

On Wednesday, March 13, Oumar Kanouté received the International Benevolence Award (International Benevolence Award – İyilik Ödülleri) from the Turkiye Diyanet Foundation in Ankara, Turkey. An award for his life, dedication and continued benevolence to others. The International Benevolence Awards Program, was chaired by Recep Tayib Erdogan, President of Turkey, and was attended by more than 2000 guests. The event was established five years ago, and is held every March 13 to reward the pioneers of benevolence in every corner of the world. In the hope of encouraging this kindness among everyone without distinction of any kind, regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin. Kanouté has been, is and will continue to be an example for all of us for the good deeds he is known for and those he is not. The event was attended, at the invitation of Oumar Kanouté and TDV, by the president of the Seville Mosque Foundation, Ibrahim Hernandez, who accompanied Oumar during this incredible experience with his agent, Amin A. Rahman. After receiving the award, in a few words where he called us to awareness of the things that really matter and by which we will be judged, and after talking about the City of Sakina for orphaned children in Mali, he had the deference to make a call of support to the project of the Mosque and Islamic Cultural Center of the Seville Mosque Foundation, a project that in his words should be, “not only for the increase in faith and knowledge of Muslims, but also a place with the door open to everyone, to create bridges and rapprochement between people.From the Seville Mosque Foundation, we want to take this opportunity to congratulate him for the award, and thank him once again for his support and commitment to the project of the Mosque and Cultural Center of Seville, a city that both he and his family continue to consider their home. And to also thank the Diyanet Foundation for the invitation, hospitality and deference throughout the incredible event. To learn more about the event and the heartwarming stories of the other winners of this year and previous editions, please visit: