On Thursday, March 21, 2019, the forum ‘Cultural Exchange between Spain and Indonesia’ will take place at the Three Cultures Foundation.
The event will start at 17:00 and conclude at 21:00.
The forum will consist of three round tables and will conclude with a fusion concert of Indonesian music and Flamenco and a ‘halal’ dinner tasting.
The forum is organized by the Directorate of Heritage and Cultural Diplomacy of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia together with the Mosque of Seville Foundation and the Indonesian Embassy in Spain, with the collaboration of the Three Cultures Foundation and the Halal Institute.
The objective of this forum, a pioneer in cultural relations between these two countries, is to explore the forms of coexistence that occur in these two societies, which have a rich tradition of coexistence of different cultures and religions, in addition to exploring the current possibilities of collaboration in terms of culture and business possibilities.
The forum will be structured in three dialogue tables that will take place successively.
The first panel will serve as an introduction to the event and will be attended by: Prof. Syafiq A Mughni, Special Presidential Envoy for Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation and Civilization of Indonesia (UKP-DKAAP); H.E. Pak Hermono, Excmo.
Ambassador of Indonesia to Spain; Dr. Nadjamuddin Ramly Tiwadjo, Director General of Diplomacy and Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia; and José Manuel Cervera Gragera, Managing Director of the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation.
The second table will take place under the title ‘Multicultural and interreligious society. Dialogue on Muslim culture in a multicultural society in Spain and Indonesia’ and the third ‘Halal business and investment opportunities in Indonesia’.
The program will conclude with a concert by the Riau Rythm Chamber Orchestra and La Beyaz who will fuse rhythms and melodies from Indonesia and Spain.
At the entrance there will be two institutional posts of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, with tourist information, typical products and souvenirs for all those present.
At the end, dinner and refreshments will be served, giving participants the opportunity to interact with guests from Indonesia.
The event is free to attend, but it is necessary to register to attend at the following link: http://tresculturas.org/actividad/intercambio-cultural-entre-espana-e-indonesia/ You can find attached the complete program with the biographies of all the speakers.
You can also download the program in PDF here.

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