Institutional Iftar of the Junta Islámica and Halal Institute, Cordoba

The Islamic Board and Halal Institute held last Thursday, April 21, an institutional Iftar (breaking of the fast) at the Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions of Cordoba, to which the Seville Mosque Foundation was invited. The Iftar was sponsored by the QASD and Las Fuentes foundations, as part of the activities of the Nights of Ramadan Cordoba 2022.

The institutional act was attended by councilors from the City Council of Cordoba, the Consul of Morocco in Seville, the U.S. Ambassador to Spain, Julissa Reynoso, the Deputy Director General of Religious Freedom, Mercedes Murillo, and the director of the Pluralism and Coexistence Foundation, Ines Mazarrasa. Also in attendance was a large representation from the university and business world, to which both the Halal Institute and the Las Fuentes Foundation belong. Also invited to the Iftar were the Diocesan Delegate for Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue, Antonio Navarro, and Rabbi Haim Casas as representatives of the religious communities of Cordoba.

La Paz ,” said Isabel Romero, President of Junta Islámica and CEO of Instituto Halal. coexistence and respect cannot be empty terms that look good in speeches like today’s. Peace has requirements and efforts. Peace has requirements and efforts, it needs equity, it needs solidarity and of course it needs justice. Coexistence requires respect, a positive predisposition to what others can contribute to us. Diversity offers us the opportunity to create new futures and to think and dream new utopias based on the need to walk together and to recover humanism as the main universal value”.

Ramadan Nights, now in its ninth year, is promoted by the Islamic Board and the Halal Institute, together with the Cordoba City Hall and Casa Árabe. An exceptional opportunity for coexistence and knowledge of Islamic culture during these special dates.

Our most sincere congratulations and thanks to the Islamic Board and Halal Institute for this wonderful event, and for their commendable work and institutional diplomacy.