International Conference ‘Intercultural Dialogue between Malaysia and Spain’

Last Thursday, September 5, the headquarters of the Three Cultures Foundation witnessed the international conference ‘Intercultural dialogue between Malaysia and Spain, the result of the organization of the Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi Legacy Association and the Global Network, with the collaboration of the Mosque Foundation of Seville and Three Cultures, whose objective was to discuss different aspects of Islamic civilization, society and culture.

The conference was attended by Tun Abdullah Ahmed Badawi, 5th Prime Minister of Malaysia and the Hon.
Charif Cherkaoui, recently appointed Consul General of Morocco in Seville, in what was his first act in the city.

During the opening ceremony were present Dato’ Jefridin Bin Haji Atan, president of LEGASI, Mr. Amós García Hueso, general director of Relations with Andalusians Abroad of the General Secretariat of Foreign Action of the Junta de Andalucía and Ms.
Khaeriah Zaehera Abd Kayyum, Chargé d’Affaires of the Embassy of Malaysia in Spain and the Director of the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation, Mr. José Manuel Cervera.

The event also featured lectures by Dr. Kosugi Yasushi, Professor of the Islamic World at Kyoto University (Japan) and President of the Hadhari Global Network, Dr. Dato Mohd, Professor at the School of Applied Physics Studies and researcher at the Hadhari Institute of Islam at the National University of Malaysia, Hajj Halid Nieto, patron and representative of the Mezquita de Sevilla Foundation and Mr. Anas Bentaouet, head of IT at Searching Ideas and co-founder and secretary of the Azarquiel Association.

The evening also saw the presentation of the Hadhari Global Network Annual Award by Dato’ Jefridin Bin Haji Atan to Hajj Abdelghani Melara Navío in recognition of his career in translating Islamic works from Arabic to Spanish, especially for the translation of the Noble Qur’an into Spanish, which is recognized worldwide.

After the conferences, attendees enjoyed a concert by the band Hamid Ajbar Ensemble and a cocktail courtesy of HE.

From the Seville Mosque Foundation we would like to thank Tun Abdullah, the Tun Abdullah Legacy Association, the Global Network Network and the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation for their collaboration in the organization, effort and participation in this day of dialogue, exchange of knowledge and rapprochement between Malaysia and Spain, as well as the speakers and representatives of the organizations and institutions that have made this event possible.
We also thank you most sincerely to all those attending the event, which we hope you enjoyed.