Meeting with anthropology professors from Universities in Portugal and Spain

Continuing with our activity of attention to universities and after a first meeting at the Islamic Festival of Mertola (Portugal), Professor Maria Cardeira, Professor of Anthropology at the Nova University of Lisbon, accompanied by Virtudes Téllez, anthropologist from the University of Castilla la Mancha, have visited us with the aim of holding an interview-study for an international project on “patrimonialization and religiosities” in which they participate and research.
The meeting took place in the courtyard of the Hotel Alfonso XIII, a jewel of our architecture of the 29th.
Professor María Cardeira, with a good knowledge of our community in its historical and social process, delved into the origins of the events of Almonaster and Mertola, our institutional relations with Morocco or issues of our interest in spreading the principles of economics in Islam.
After more than two hours of meeting, we agreed to hold another meeting soon and keep an email relationship open to nuance all the content of these conversations.