Meeting with Dr. Kenan Oral and Ersin Adigüzel of Turkey

Yesterday we had the pleasure of receiving at the Seville Mosque Foundation Dr. Kenan Oral, Attaché for Social Affairs of the Consulate General of the Republic of Turkey, and Ersin Adigüzel, director of the Yunus Emre Cultural Center.

During the meeting, a review was made of the relationship and intense collaboration that the Seville Mosque Foundation has had with Turkey, through various organizations and institutions in recent years, and other avenues of cooperation and reinforcement of the same were assessed.

The meeting was attended by the Imam of the Seville Mosque Foundation and translator of the Quran into Spanish, Ustad Abdelghani Melara. The Turkish Ministry of Religious Affairs has been publishing its translation of the Quran in different formats for years, with the latest edition being published in 2022.

During the visit, some samples of books that Diyanet publishes and distributes in Spanish were presented and will soon be available at the mosque for anyone who requests them.