Ibrahim Hernández, president, and Luqman Nieto, vice-president of the Seville Mosque Foundation, on behalf of this entity, held a meeting on March 8 with His Excellency Mr. Cihad Erginay, ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Spain and several of the attachés of the embassy.
During the meeting, the relationship that the Foundation has had with Turkey, mainly through Turkiye Diyanet Vakfi, and the different activities that have been carried out in recent years were discussed with His Excellency Mr. Cihad Erignay.
He was also presented with the project of the mosque and Islamic cultural center of Seville, about which he showed great interest and concern for it to be carried out.
During the meeting we discussed different forms of collaboration explored between the Turkish Embassy and the Seville Mosque Foundation in cultural and Islamic issues, and we hope to develop in the future, Insha Allah.
We would like to extend our gratitude to His Excellency Mr. Cihad Erignay, and to all the Embassy staff, for having received us so cordially and we hope to reciprocate this treatment in Seville.

Reunión con el Excelentísimo Señor Cihad Erginay, embajador de la República de Turquía en España