Meeting with Mrs. Mercedes Murillo, Deputy General of Relations with the Religious Confessions of the Ministry of Justice

On Friday, November 30, representatives of the Islamic Community in Spain, the Seville Mosque Foundation, the Granada Mosque Foundation and the Al Andalus Educational Foundation met with Mrs. Mercedes Murillo, Deputy General of Relations with the Religious Confessions of the Ministry of Justice.

The meeting was attended by Umar Del Pozo, president of the Islamic Community in Spain, Ibrahim Hernández, president of the Seviell Mosque Foundation, Mohammed Gutierrez, vice president of the Al Andalus Educational Foundation and Abdelsalam Gutierrez, secretary of the Granada Mosque Foundation of Granada. The meeting was also attended by Pilar Trinidad, technical advisor of the Subdirectorate of Relations with Confessions.

During the meeting, the challenges and needs of Muslim communities in Spain were discussed and how to deal with them in an inclusive, active and beneficial way for the whole of Spanish society.

We are very grateful for having been received and for the cordiality and the treatment that has been given to us and we hope that this meeting will be of benefit for the development of a constructive coexistence.