National Network of Attention, Denouncement and Prevention of Islamophobia

Islamophobia is prejudice and discrimination towards Islam, Muslims and the people and symbols understood as such. The Council of Europe and the UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination defines Islamophobia as:

“[…] a form of racism and xenophobia manifested through hostility, exclusion, rejection and hatred against Muslims, especially when the Muslim population is a minority, something that occurs with greater impact in Western countries.”

National Program for the Prevention of Islamophobia IV

RENADPI 2022. National Network of Attention, Denunciation and Prevention of Islamophobia.

This network of entities, of which the Seville Mosque Foundation is a member, committed against Islamophobia, aims to respond to this discriminatory phenomenon at the national level. In coordination with the Moroccan Association for the Integration of Immigrants of Malaga, this network provides a socio-legal counseling service to victims of Islamophobia in order to provide them with the security, confidence and guarantees necessary to proceed with the complaint.

Without data, public authorities will not agree on protection, judicial and preventive measures. Therefore, the reporting of Islamophobic attacks and aggressions is essential.

Characteristics and procedures of the Service for Attention, Denunciation and Prevention of Islamophobia.

The essence of this service is to make situations of Islamophobia visible at the national level and to increase social awareness of this discriminatory phenomenon. To this end, it provides the people assisted with the information and psycho-legal resources necessary to denounce this type of situation. A social and legal team will attend to their requests and inform them of the necessary resources.

It is characterized for being free of charge and for being a completely personalized service. This means that all the requests that are formulated will be attended individually and in depth. In addition, we have designed a flexible procedure, which allows us to adapt to the specific case and respect the feelings that people have, such as institutional distrust, fear of labor and social repercussions or the proximity of the aggressor and the victim.

We consider it important to emphasize that the care will be carried out with total confidentiality, respecting the identity and privacy of the victim and the victim’s procedures.

This service is composed of two fundamental interventions:

  • On the one hand, socio-legal care for victims of Islamophobia. That is, we provide information and offer professional solutions in social and legal matters to denounce and deal with situations of Islamophobia that arise. In addition, it aims to collect all the necessary information to identify and frame the specific case.
  • On the other hand, once the issue has been socially and legally addressed, this service provides an exhaustive follow-up of the case in order to generate confidence in the victim throughout the process of management and reporting. Likewise, we will evaluate each case in order to identify those that require a closer accompaniment at the time of carrying out any procedure or management.

As part of the National Network of Attention, Denouncement and Prevention of IslamophobiaAt Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla we will be able to make a first attention of the cases, referral through an online form, and you will find material about it available at the entrance.

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