On Saturday, January 29, a natural cosmetics workshop was held in collaboration with the Municipality of Mértola, Portugal, given by Aisha Bueso. The workshop was carried out within the scope of the Hammam & Casa de Té de Mértola project and the Local Producers Market.
Due to the success of attendance, initially planned for 20 people and where more than 30 took part, the location of the workshop had to be changed to the Patio of the Casa Cor de Rosa, so that all safety measures could be guaranteed in accordance with the DGS.
In the words of Aisha Bueso;
The opportunity to give a workshop in Mértola has been a wonderful gift. The welcome I have received from the people invites you to want to share more time in their company.
It has been fantastic to see how they are open to receive a natural way of living cosmetics according to our natural way of being and living. In Mértola, everything seems easier to explain because the surrounding landscape speaks for itself.
My thanks always for this trip where I was going to teach and it turned out that I was the one who learned so much from the people.
At the end of the workshop we had an informal meeting with members of the Municipal Chamber of Mértola, led by Rosinda Pimienta, vice president and councilor of the City Council, for the organization of the next Islamic Festival of Mértola, scheduled for late May, and where it is expected that despite the restrictions that may still be in place, it will be held with total normality.

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