
Islam is not the cause. El País, January 1, 2017.

Jihadist attacks are mainly aimed at the Muslim world. Without a doubt, jihadism can score a point: sow chaos, spread panic, normalise the state of emergency. Celebrating the arrival of the new year is no longer the same, it must be done, as last night, in squares surrounded by concrete blocks, with the collective fear of another truck attack like …

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#ATileForSeville – EPISOD 18 of 24 – Shaykh Ahmed Bermejo, Imam of the Mosque of Granada.

#ATileForSeville – EPISOD 18 of 24 – Interview with Shaykh Ahmed Bermejo, Imam of the Great Mosque of Granada, a hafith and second generation Spanish muslim . Starring…Farah Fauzana, Diana Amir, Heliza Helmi and Fynn Jamal! #ATileForSeville Campaign by Ukhwah for Ummah, Malaysia. For more information please visit Kenapa kami anjurkan kempen A Tile for Seville? Kenapa kami ingin membina masjid di Sepanyol? Itu …

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Aquidah Seminar with Shaykh Ahmad Bermejo, Mallorca, January 2017.

We are pleased to announce that between the 28th of January and the 1st of February (Sunday to Wednesday) the Mayurqa Academy will be holding a seminar on ‘Aquidah that will be conducted by Shaykh Ahmad Bermejo, Imam Khatib of the Great Mosque of Granada. The Aquidah is the complete set of beliefs that a muslim must know and believe …

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Presentation of ́La Escuela del Cubillas ́, Muhammad Gutierrez, Granada.

Presentation of ́LA ESCUELA DEL CUBILLAS ́. Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies. Granada, December 23, 2016. Muhammad Gutiérrez Gamo. Bismillahi rrahmani arrahim. La ilaha illah Allah Muhammad Rasulullah. Wa la haula wa la quata illah billah. Assalamualaikum. Thank you all very much for having attended this event here today. After the presentation of Emir Malik in which he has expressed …

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Malaysian students in Ireland join the #ATileForSeville campaign.

Yesterday we had the pleasure of receiving a group of Malay students, medicine and pharmacy, in their fourth year of studies in Ireland. From the Seville Mosque Foundation we wanted to thank them publicly for their effort and generosity. These students since they knew about the #ATileForSeville campaign, from Ukhwah for Ummah, where more than 15,000 people have contributed until …

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