
The 40 hadith – Ep. 7 – The Din is Loyalty.

We present here the famous 40 Hadiths collection collected by the great Sage An-Nawawi with the respective explanation by Imam Ahmed Bermejo, Imam of the Great Mosque of Granada. Episode 7. Related by Abu Ruqayyah Tammim Ibn Aus ad Dariy, may Al-lah be pleased with him, that the Prophet, peace and blessings from Al-lah be upon him, said: “The Din …

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Who are the Hufad and what does it mean to be a Hafid.

The arabic word hufad is the plural of hafid. Hafid is the title that it is given to those who have memorized the entire Quran by heart. But, what does it really mean and what does it entail? The word hafid in Arabic comes from the root h-f-d, which means to preserve, to protect and to memorize. Therefore, those who are hafid are those who have memorized …

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#ATileForSeville – EPISOD 14 of 24 – Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba, impressions.

EPISODE 14 of 24. The Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba, impressions. Starring…Farah Fauzana, Diana Amir, Heliza Helmi and Fynn Jamal! #ATileForSeville Campaign by Ukhwah for Ummah, Malaysia. For more information please visit Kenapa kami anjurkan kempen A Tile for Seville? Kenapa kami ingin membina masjid di Sepanyol? Itu adalah antara pertanyaan yang biasa diajukan. Nak tahu saksikan 24 video Travelog A Tile for Seville, …

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#ATileForSeville – EPISOD 13 of 24 – Arrival at the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba.

EPISODE 13 of 24. Arrival at the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba. Starring…Farah Fauzana, Diana Amir, Heliza Helmi and Fynn Jamal! #ATileForSeville Campaign by Ukhwah for Ummah, Malaysia. For more information please visit Kenapa kami anjurkan kempen A Tile for Seville? Kenapa kami ingin membina masjid di Sepanyol? Itu adalah antara pertanyaan yang biasa diajukan. Nak tahu saksikan 24 video Travelog A Tile …

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Donations for the project of the Islamic Cultural Centre, Mosque and Awqaf of Sevilla.

Seville Mosque Foundation was created in 2005 as a legal tool, to represent the Muslims of Seville and for the construction of the Mosque and Cultural Center. The foundation is registered in the Ministry of Education and Culture, CUL / 1679/2005, Number 1091. Since then, more than 10 years ago, we have been working unceasingly in this initiative. In january 2014, three years ago, the …

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Abdurrahman’s Shahada – New Muslim.

Yesterday, Tuesday the 26th of October, at the time of magrib, Hajj Abdel Ghani Melara, Imam Khatib of the Mosque took the shahada to Jose Antonio, now Abdurrahman. It is a privilege and honor to have witnessed this shahada. The shahada is the belief and testimony that there is no God but Al-lah and that Muhammad is His messenger. The …

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