

Every human being who embraces Islam has a fascinating story to tell. The MOSAIC series travels around the world to find the stories of various people, who were looking for answers to their vital questions and found them in Islam. In this episode, NISAR, a skeptical philosopher, has discovered the limits of reason and explores a deeper understanding of the …

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Khutba About the Council

Muslims: I exhort you to have Taqwa from Allah, to be sincere with each other and to help each other to achieve success and triumph in this life and in the Hereafter. Know that Allah is pleased with you, that Allah has created man and has put in him the instinct of companionship, of community, of life with his fellow …

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Interview with Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi

This interview with Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi was part of the research carried out for a doctoral thesis whose title is: “Sufi epistemology meets modernity in the tariqa of the Sufi master Abdalqadir as-Sufi”. The interview is being released for the benefit of the Fuqara and all those who want to learn about Islam and Sufism. Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir has …

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Al-Andalus, a common heritage

From Monday 24 to Friday 28 November, the Conference ‘Morocco in Andalusia’ will be held at the Rectorate of the University of Seville. Organized by the Azarquiel Association. On Tuesday 25th, the Seville Mosque Foundation, through its Director of Communication, Hajj Khalid Nieto, had the pleasure of being able to take part in the colloquium, ‘Al Andalus, a common heritage’. …

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Ibn Abbad of Ronda

IBN ABBAD OF RONDA A light in the Islam of Morocco. (1330 -1390) “Ibn Abbad umma wahdahu”. His teacher, Ibn Ashir de Salé, also from Jimena de la Frontera, pronounced these words about him: Ibn Abbad is the community alone, and with this he anticipated the future meaning that his disciple would have. All of Fez was shocked. As the …

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Day of Ashura

On Tuesday, November 4, the day of Ashura was celebrated, in which during the breaking of the fast we had the honor of having the presence of a guest from the United Arab Emirates, among the many Sevillians who attended. Below is an article from Islam Today, which explains the relevance of this day for Muslims and why they fast …

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Muslim Cemetery of Griñon What is happening?

At the end of 2011, agents of the Civil Guard reported that the burials that were practiced in the Muslim cemetery of Griñón did not comply with mortuary regulations, and in many cases, burials were carried out directly in the ground without a coffin. After making inquiries about this information, it can be concluded that: • L The burials were …

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