
Love for the Prophet Mohammed

We bring you an excerpt from the interesting work ash-Shifa by Qadi ‘Iyad. His subject matter and the way he approaches it encourages us to share these two sections of his second chapter. We hope you enjoy them. Section 1: Concerning the necessity of loving Him Allah says. “Say: ‘If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, or your wives, or …

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Notes and suggestions (IV): The Zakat

Zakat is the fallen pillar of Islam. Although a house can stand on four pillars, it can never reach the height for which it was conceived if its planning has not been carried out to its full extent. This is the real problem of our time. As it is a pillar that has long since fallen, and that none of …

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Khutba on ISIS and the Jawariŷ.

We are all shocked and terrified by the images and news coming out of Gaza showing the burned and mutilated bodies of our Muslim brothers and sisters, men, women and children, trapped with nowhere to flee or hide, killed in their own homes with lethal bombs and missiles. The images break our hearts; and how could they not when it …

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Notes and suggestions (III): Ramadan

If the sahada is the gateway to a path that opens us to a new dimension of the reality of all there is, paraphrasing Ortega; and the salat is the north and constancy on the road, we could say that Ramadan is the shattering life experience that reorders the inner and outer reality according to the Sharia clarifying our spirit, …

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Kanoute Foundation

During the month of Ramadan The Seville Mosque Foundation made a trip to Dubai, where among many other personalities, we had the pleasure of having a nice dinner with Oumar Kanoute. Frédéric Oumar Kanouté has launched a noble initiative to establish a “Children’s City”, called Sakina, in Bamako (Mali). Sakina brings together various services and facilities for the needs of …

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Notes and suggestions (II): The Salat

The horizon, they say, is that illusory line where heaven and earth meet, as many of us were taught when we were children. The horizon is, however, as I understand it today, a real line where the earthly and the divine meet. We can continue to think that all that exists is only what we are able to perceive through …

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Notes and suggestions (I): The Shahada

In every contract or transaction there are two parties, who are the ones who agree to this or that on one or the other terms. When one takes Shahada he is making a contract, a transaction, an agreement with Allah which is accounted for by the tongue and signed with the heart; that is why Islam is described as a …

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