
Reception of the Diocesan Delegate for Ecumenism and Interfaith Relations

This week we had the pleasure of receiving at the Seville Mosque Foundation Gabriel Sanchez Garcia, recently appointed diocesan delegate of Ecumenism, Interfaith Relations and Eastern Catholic Relations and Josep Buades Fuster, director of the Claver-SJM Association in Andalusia. During the friendly meeting where they were received by Ibrahim Hernandez and Khalid Nieto, the situation of Muslims in the city, …

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Restart of the adult education program

Free class program for adults, open to everyone, Muslim or not, and people interested in Islam. To attend, we recommend that you call ahead to make sure that day will be held and to confirm the schedule, as classes may be changed or cancelled without prior notice. Quran and Arabic classes for children have also been restarted. Mondays at 17.30h.

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Speech by Khalid Nieto at the opening ceremony of the XVI International Symposium of the XXII Jornadas de Cultura Islámica de Almonaster (XXII Islamic Culture Conference of Almonaster)

Opening ceremony of the XVI international symposium. “Aesthetics, translation and interfaith dialogue.” XXII Jornadas de Cultura Islámica de Almonaster la Real, HuelvaOctober 8, 2022 Assalamualeikum, peace to all, good morning. I am here, invited by the Exmo. City Council of this beautiful town of the Sierra, to share this table with the illustrious people who accompany me. I thank the …

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Resumption of Qur’an and Arabic classes for children

We want, with the help of Allah, to start one more year with Quran, reading and Arabic classes for children between 6 and 14 years old. The classes will be taught by Jadiya Temsamani and Walada Touriño. They will take place on Wednesdays from 17.30h to 19:00h at the Seville Mosque Foundation, starting next Wednesday, November 2. Classes are free …

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Invitation to the closing ceremony of the Scholas Occurrentes Scholas Occurrentes Foundation’s Scholas Citizenship Program

The Seville Mosque Foundation participated last Friday, October 21, in the closing ceremony of the Scholas Ciudadanía program of the Scholas Ocurrentes Foundation, in Seville, with the presence and intervention of our vice-president Hajj Jalid Nieto. Among the many guests at the event were Mr. Delegate of Education of Seville, Miguel Angel Arauz and the General Director of Education of …

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