
Press Release May 12, 2020

COMMUNICATION 12/05/2020Video of agglomeration at the door of the Mosque of Seville Today a video has surfaced on social networks accusing this entity of not observing the law and lack of civility, to which we would like to respond briefly: The Seville Mosque Foundation canceled the activities of more affluence on March 12, even before the announcement of the state …

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International Islamic Congress of Spanish-speaking Al-Andalusia (CIIHA)

Al-Andalusia, with the collaboration of hundreds of people and organizations around the Spanish-speaking Muslim world, has organized the I International Islamic Congress of Spanish-speaking Al-Andalusia (CIIHA). A congress that will be held with the aim of creating a network, a fabric that unites the 23 participating countries, that promotes spirituality, good character and behavior, that nurtures the feeling of caring …

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Online class program, Ramadan 2020

Due to the State of Alarm, and the fact that the mosque will remain closed and that during this month of Ramadan the usual activities cannot be carried out, we have prepared a series of classes every day, except Saturdays, online, which will be taught by Hayy Abdelgani Melara, Imam of the Seville Mosque Foundation and Shaij Ahmed Bermejo, of …

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Thanks, Shaykh Ahmed Bermejo

Allah says in His Book: “Truly Allah has granted a grace to the believers by sending them a Messenger from among themselves who recites His signs to them, purifies them and teaches them the Book and the Wisdom; for they were in obvious misguidance before” (3:164). Allah, subhanahu wa ta’la fills us with gifts, fills us with blessings, even if …

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Naseeha of Friday, April 3, Hajj Abdelgani Melara (Audio)

On Fridays Hajj Abdelgani will give a ders to supplant, not replace in any case, the Khutba of Yuma. The seven heavens and the earth glorify Him as well as those who are in them.There is nothing that does not glorify Him by praising Him, yet you do not understand His glorification. It is true that He is Benevolent, Forgiving. …

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Commentary on Hikmas 47 and 48 of Shaykh Ibn Ataillah (Audio)

Commentary by Hajj Abdelgani on Hikmas 47 and 48 of Shaykh Ahmed Ibn Ataillah Al Iskandari. Among the signs of the death of the heart is the absence of sorrow for the good deeds you have failed to do and not feeling regret for the faults you have committed. The cause of the life of the heart is the remembrance …

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