
The Four Rightly Guided Caliphs – Chapter 8

Hafith Bashir Castiñeira introduces us to the lives of the first four caliphs of Islam: Abu Bakr As Siddiq, Omar ibn Al Khattab, Othman ibn Affan and Ali ibn Abi Talib, may God be pleased with them. An essential and very important series.

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Presentation of C.O.A.M.U.R (Andalusian Coordinator of Rural Women’s Organizations)

On October 16, the official presentation of the organization COAMUR (Andalusian Coordinator of Rural Women’s Organizations) was held at the headquarters of the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation, to which the Seville Mosque Foundation was invited by courtesy of the ASIA Foundation . The event was attended by various political personalities, such as the Exc. Mayor of Seville, Mr. …

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Summary of the «XX Islamic Days» of Almonaster la Real, Huelva

On the 11th, 12th and 13th of October the XX Conference of Islamic Culture took place in Almonaster la Real, proclaimed one of the most beautiful villages in Spain, located in the Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche in Huelva. These days arise from the collaboration between the City Council of Almonaster, the Mosque Foundation of Seville and the …

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Programs of the XX Conference of Islamic Culture of Almonaster, Huelva

One more year the village of Almonaster la Real will go back to the past to immerse itself in the medieval Al-Andalus in the XX edition of its Islamic Culture Days. The town will once again fill its narrow streets with the magic and charm of Islamic culture. The village not only has a great natural and heritage beauty, but …

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XX Conference on Islamic Culture of Almonaster la Real, Huelva

From October 11 to 13, 2019, the “XX Conference on Islamic Culture” will be held in Almonaster la Real, in which since its inception, it has had active cooperation in its organization and participation with the Islamic Community in Spain, through the Mosque Foundation of Seville. It is an honour and a pleasure for us to continue actively collaborating in …

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Video and gallery of the Intercultural Dialogue between Malaysia and Spain

This week the Malaysian television channel TV3 broadcast a report on the visit of Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, 5th Prime Minister of Malaysia and the delegation of that country to Seville to participate in the conferences held at the headquarters of the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation within the framework of the “Intercultural Dialogue between Malaysia and Spain”. organized …

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