
International Conference ‘Intercultural Dialogue between Malaysia and Spain’

Last Thursday, September 5, the headquarters of the Three Cultures Foundation witnessed the international conference ‘Intercultural dialogue between Malaysia and Spain, the result of the organization of the Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi Legacy Association and the Global Network, with the collaboration of the Mosque Foundation of Seville and Three Cultures, whose objective was to discuss different aspects of Islamic civilization, …

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Confirming the Sunnah with Ashura Fast

One of the most important elements to create a collective identity in a human group is a common story that narrates the past to give meaning to the present and project a future. Sharing this story, this story, is what creates the narrative of ‘us’; It defines where we come from, who we are, and where we are going. When …

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Tun Abdullah’s reception in Seville

Yesterday the Mosque Foundation of Seville had the honour of receiving Tun Abdullah Ahmed Badawi, 5th Prime Minister of Malaysia, together with his family and delegation in Seville. The reception between the Tun Abdullah Legacy Foundation, Hadhari Global Network, and the Seville Mosque Foundation, took place in one of the rooms of the Hotel Alfonso XIII in a friendly and …

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Visit of Tun Abdullah Ahmed Badawi to the Mosque of Granada

Last Sunday, September 1st, we had the honour of receiving at the Mosque a delegation from Malaysia who will participate in the Intercultural Conference ‘Intercultural Dialogue between Malaysia and Spain’, which will take place on September 5th at the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation and in which the Mosque Foundation of Seville collaborates. also present at the event through …

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International Conference ‘Intercultural Dialogue between Malaysia and Spain’

An international conference will be held on September 5; ‘Intercultural dialogue between Malaysia and Spain’, which will be attended by Tun Abdullah, 5th Prime Minister of Malaysia, and speakers from Malaysia, Japan, Morocco and Spain. The event organized by the Tun Abdullah Legacy Foundation and Hadhari Global Network, with the collaboration of the Malaysian Embassy in Spain, the Mosque of …

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Distribution of Eid al-Adha lambs to more than 80 families in Seville

Yesterday the Mosque Foundation of Seville had the honor of being able to distribute lamb meat to more than 80 families in Seville on the occasion of Eid al Adha. This grant, which is a collaboration between the Diyanet Vakfi Foundation and the Seville Mosque Foundation, is part of Diyanet’s global program “Share the sacrifice with your brother” and has …

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Donation of books from the Presidency of Religious Affairs of Turkey

Yesterday the Mosque Foundation of Seville received a donation of 1500 books, from the Presidency of Religious Affairs of Turkey, through the Embassy of Turkey in Spain. Our most sincere thanks both to the Presidency of Religious Affairs and to the Embassy of Turkey for sending us this shipment that we hope will be of benefit to the Muslims of …

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