
A night of Ramadhan in Seville

This video part of the crowdfunding campaign #Kanoute4SevilleMosque. In this campaign the former footballer Frederic Oumar Kanoute calls people to join him in the effort to help the Muslims of Seville build a mosque and Islamic cultural centre in this city. This video shows a typical Ramadhan night in the musallah of the Seville Mosque Foundation.

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The gift of Ramadan has come to us from the hand of the Prophet

Among the benefits of Ramadan and fasting we find a special relationship with Allah, the Most High, and with His Prophet, may Allah bless him and give him peace, which opens to the person the doors of ecstasy and taste of the love of Allah and His Messenger, may Allah bless him and give him peace. Since fasting as it …

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X Islamic Festival of Mertola

Every second year, since twenty years ago, the Seville Mosque Foundation and the Islamic Community in Spain participates, together with the Municipal Chamber of Mértola and other entities in the organization of the Islamic Festival of Mértola. This festival, the tenth edition of which during the 16, 17, 18 and 19 of May, has grown in quality, relevance and size …

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Inauguration of the Islamic Festival of Mértola

Yesterday, Thursday, May 16, the inauguration of the X Islamic Festival of Mertola took place. The inauguration was attended by the president of the Municipal Chamber of Mértola, the Delegate of tourism of Alentejo, the government team of the Municipal Chamber as well as the Government Delegate and other politicians and cultural representatives of Portugal together with Luqman Nieto, representing …

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Program of the X Islamic Festival of Mértola

The Islamic Festival of Mértola celebrates its tenth edition this year. It is a biennial festival that has been taking place for the last 20 years. In each new edition, there is a noticeable effort on the part of the organization to improve and make this festival more attractive, without losing the essence that created it. The Seville Mosque Foundation …

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Benefits of Ramadan

We are already close to completing the first week of the month of Ramadan; This first week is the week to get used to fasting, it is a complicated week for many, the week to change schedules and get used to it; probably one of the most complex aspects is lack of sleep or having disrupted sleep; but that is …

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Reception of HE. Cihad Erginay, Ambassador of Turkey, at the Granada Mosque Foundation

The President of the Granada Mosque Foundation and the Islamic Community in Spain, Umar del Pozo, together with Luqman Nieto, Vice President of the Seville Mosque Foundation, accompanied by Abdellah Castiñeira, Imam Jatib of the Great Mosque of Granada and Jadiya Martinez, received yesterday HE. Cihad Erginay, Turkey’s ambassador to Spain and his wife, at the Granada Mosque Foundation. The …

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