
Visit to the East London Mosque

During the visit to London of the delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation, we had the honour and privilege of receiving a tour of the ‘East London Mosque’, one of the most emblematic mosques in the city. During the arranged visit we were given a detailed report of the history, activities, financing, etc. of the same. This Mosque, Islamic Cultural …

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Visit to Oumar Kanoute, London

Today Ibrahim Hernández and Luqman Nieto, President and Vice-President of the @mezquitasevilla Foundation met with Oumar Kanoute and Amin A. Rahman, at the headquarters of their foundation in London. It has been a real pleasure to meet him again and to be able to see in person the waqf that he has established in London in order to support the …

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What is Hijrah (Hijrah) and Its Meaning: A Physical and Spiritual Journey

The Hijri calendar was established by the second rightly guided Caliph and the Prophet’s close companion, Umar ibn al-Khattab, in 637/638 AD. According to al-Jabarti, the great chronicler of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, Abu Musa al-Ash’ari wrote to the then Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab saying: “We have received letters from the Commander of the Faithful, but we …

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The 40 Hadiths – EP. 13 – “Give preference to others over oneself”

We present here the famous collection of the 40 hadiths compiled by the great Sage An-Nawawi with the respective explanation by Shaykh Ahmed Bermejo. Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him, the servant of the Messenger of Allah, said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: None of you believes, until he wants …

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