
Beginning of classes for new Muslims and people interested in Islam

This May, September 4, we will resume classes for new Muslims and people interested in Islam. At the moment the classes will be all at 7:00 p.m. in the Plaza Ponce de León number 9, headquarters of the Mosque Foundation of Seville. Both the day and the time may be subject to change at a later date due to the …

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Distribution of Eid al Adha lambs to more than 60 families in Seville

The Seville Mosque Foundation has had the honour of being able to distribute 15 lambs to more than 60 needy families in Seville on the occasion of Eid al Adha. This grant, which is a collaboration between the Diyanet Vakfi Foundation and the Seville Mosque Foundation, is part of Diyanet’s global program “Share the sacrifice with your brother” and has …

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Futuwwah: The Role Model in Islam

I have been on a trip for a few days and in them I have reflected a lot on an aspect that our Deen continually calls us, an aspect that is vital to be able to live in community, an aspect that we Muslims should soak up at all times and in all situations, an aspect that we hear a …

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The Hajj: Catalyst for Internal and External Change

El Haŷŷ: catalizador del cambio interno y externo

The Hajj is unique, and the truth is that there is no event in the world that can compare to it. I would like you to do an exercise with me now. Let’s imagine for a few moments, that we can see, that for thousands of years we have had a screen on which we see the surface of the …

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