
A Ramadhan Night in Seville

(183) O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous (184) [Fasting for] a limited number of days. So whoever among you is ill or on a journey [during them] – then an equal number of days [are to be made up]. And upon those who are …

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Ramadan 2018 Program

Below is the 2018 Ramadan program of the Mosque of Seville Foundation: Iftar Dates, milk and water will be served. And after the Maghrib Salat, soup and light dinner. There is a list at the entrance for anyone who wants to contribute by making soup and dinner. Tarawih Every day after the Salat of Isha. Sheikh Ahmed Bermejo. Tafsir and …

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End of the year of the Al Munawwara Madrasa

As every year, the Al Munawara Madrasa course has concluded with a celebration for all children and parents. The Al Munawara Madrasa offers all Muslim children in Seville free classes in Quran and Arabic at the headquarters of the Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla, in Plaza Ponce de León. Classes that not only contribute to their learning of the Noble Qur’an, …

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Project “Awareness and promotion of Intercultural Coexistence”

A workshop was held at the headquarters of the Bellavista Neighborhood Association Unit under the title: ‘Women and immigration’. This workshop is part of a larger project that is being published for the second time. On this occasion our communication director, Khalid Nieto, is participating with the organization as a member of the entity and as an advisor to the …

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Visit of Ustad Abdelgani Melara to the Blas Infante de Almonte community, Huelva

On the occasion of the days of celebration of the “Isra wal Miraj” the Mosque Foundation of Seville has visited the Islamic Cultural Association “Blas Infante” of Almonte. This fraternity visit fulfilled several objectives: To heed the invitation made to Imam Khatib Ustad Hajj Abdelghani Melara to instruct in the mosque Fraternizing and announcing the Quran delivery event Support the …

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