
Students reception from the Seville University

Yesterday, Khalid Nieto, Communication Director of the Seville Mosque Foundation, received two students from the Faculty of Communication from the University of Seville at the headquarters of the Foundation and Mosque. José Manuel and Daniel, who are studying second in journalism, are doing work on the integration of different beliefs and cultures in the city of Seville. It was a …

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Khutba: Discernment, Furqan. (Spanish/Arabic Audio – 17.11.17)

Khutba of the Jumua, Discernment, Furqan. (1) ¡Blessed is He who sent down the Discernment upon His Servant that he may be to the worlds a warner! (2)He to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and who has not taken a son and has not had a partner in dominion and has created each thing and determined …

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̈I Meeting of Muslim Women of Spain ̈, Al-Ihsan Community of Melilla

Below is the presentation of the event of the Al-Ihsan Islamic Community of Melilla, “I Meeting of Muslim Women of Spain”. We would like to congratulate them on the great initiative and thank them for inviting Hajja Atika Jimenez, from the Seville Mosque Foundation, through whom the women and men of this community feel represented. Hajja Atika will give her …

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Khutba: Trust in Allah, tawakkul. (Spanish/Arabic audio – 10.11.17)

Khutba of the Jumua, trust in Allah, tawakkul. (2) The believers are those who, when Allah is mentioned, their hearts become fearful, and when His verses are recited to them, it increases them in faith; and upon their Lord they rely. (3) The ones who establish prayer, and from what We have provided them, they spend. (4) Those are the …

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Municipal awareness campaign with refugees and Muslim minorities

The Seville City Council is preparing to launch an awareness campaign with asylum seekers, refugees, stateless people, vulnerable migrants and Muslim minorities in the face of increased “hatred” towards these groups after attacks by the terrorist organization Daesh. With this measure the City Council responds to the request of IU last August when they observed in Seville cases of Islamophobia. …

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