
Official opening of the XVIII Conference on Islamic Culture of Almonaster, Huelva

The president of the Provincial Council of Huelva, Ignacio Caraballo, has been present at the inauguration of the XVIII Islamic Conference of Almonaster la Real. During the event, he highlighted the example of Almonaster as a municipality that promotes the encounter between cultures in the year in which the #525Anniversary of the Encounter between Two Worlds is celebrated. In addition, …

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Meeting with anthropology professors from Universities in Portugal and Spain

Continuing with our activity of attention to universities and after a first meeting at the Islamic Festival of Mertola (Portugal), Professor Maria Cardeira, Professor of Anthropology at the Nova University of Lisbon, accompanied by Virtudes Téllez, anthropologist from the University of Castilla la Mancha, have visited us with the aim of holding an interview-study for an international project on “patrimonialization …

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EPISODE 20 of 20 – The Final Episode – #ATileForSeville 2017

In this final Episode of ´A Tile for Seville´ we review all the emotions and support received during this amazing campaign. From the Seville Mosque Foundation we would like to take the opportunity to send our most sincere gratitude to every one that has made this campaign possible and that has supported it. From Ukhwah for Ummah, Aksi Cepatang Tangap, …

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