
KL Summit 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

From December 18th to 21st, the KL Summit is held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to which the Seville Mosque Foundation has been invited, and is represented by its Director of Public Relations, Muhsin Sierra and Hafith Bashir Castiñeira, who had the honour to greet personally Tun Dr. Mahathir and Recep Tayib Erdogan. The event, organized by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, …

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Meeting between mothers and daughters in an international school in Turkey

On December 13 we arrived in Istanbul to surprise our daughters who study there in one of the best international schools in Turkey, thanks to the Diyanet Foundation and the Seville Mosque Foundation. Sevinj, Amal and I were very excited for two and a half months since we saw our girls. The teachers awaited our arrival, keeping the secret until …

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Malaysian`s Visitor Group Reception

Last week the Seville Mosque Foundation, represented by its president Ibrahim Hernández, received a group of 33 malaysians who were visiting the city at the hands of Ilm Tours. This group showed their support by giving a sadaqa for the Foundation’s projects. We want to thank the constant support of the Malaysian visitors and their commitment to the Foundation’s projects. …

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Visit by the delegation of the Center for Modern Languages, Pahang University of Malaysia and the UMP Press Office

On November 14th, the Seville Mosque Foundation had the pleasure of receiving at its headquarters a delegation from the Center for Modern Languages, the Pahang University of Malaysia and the Press Office of the UMP. In this meeting, new ways of cooperation between organizations in Malaysia and Spain were discussed for the realization of new projects in the future. After …

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Conference in Almonte, Huelva.

Last week a delegation from the Seville Mosque Foundation was invited to give a conference at the headquarters of the Muslim community of Almonte, in Huelva. After the reception and under the direction of Hajj Jalid Nieto a part of the wird of Sheikh Mohammed ibn al Habib de Fez was recited, and a short dhikra was made as an …

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El avistamiento de la luna (hilal), Sheij Ahmed Bermejo

Dicen que más vale prevenir que curar, así que como estamos a solo unos días de la llegada del mes de Ramadán, vamos a tratar de despejar las dudas que existen sobre un asunto que realmente no tendría por qué tener demasiada importancia, pero que por desgracia sí la tiene. Es el asunto de la llegada del mes, del ver …

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Summary of the book «Menjejak Andalusia»

Here is a short summary of the book «Menjejak Andalusia» by Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman. The summary is in English first and Indonesian later. We are very grateful to Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman for the summary and to the authors of the book «Menjejak Andalusia» for their effort and work in reflecting the reality of this land and the Muslims who inhabit …

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