
Umar Bermejo participates in the 14 international ‘huffadh’ competition in Toronto, Canada

Toronto Qur’an Competition, with the grace of Allah, is an organization focused on doing good and serving the Noble Qur’an of Allah, with hopes of encouraging the younger generation to be people of this enlightening Book, whilst strengthening the practice of its noble manner. The prestigious Toronto Qur’an Competition intends to revive the community’s relationship with the Noble Book of …

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Celebration of the Day of the Turkish Republic, Madrid

On the occasion of the ninety-sixth anniversary of the proclamation of the Turkish Republic, the Turkish Ambassador to Spain, HE. Mr. Cihad Erginay and Mrs. de Erginay offered a reception at the Westin Palace Hotel in Madrid on Tuesday, October 29, to which a delegation from the Seville Mosque Foundation was invited. After the protocol greetings, the event began with …

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Reception of Datuk Badariah Arshad, chief of staff of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed

Datuk Badariah Arshad is the Chief of Staff of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia. Datuk Badariah worked in Tun Dr. Mahatir’s cabinet during his previous tenure as prime minister and was his chief of staff in the later years, before he retired in 2003. After this, she continued working with him at the Perdana Foudation. With the return …

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Recepción de libros y folletos de Diyanet, Turquía

Queremos extender nuestro más sincero agradecimiento al Consulado de Turquia en Barcelona y por extensión a Diyanet, quienes nos han hecho llegar unos ejemplares del Coran en Español, con la traducción y comentarios del Imam de la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla, Hajj Abdel Ghani Melara Navío, junto a otro libros y trípticos muy útiles sobre distintos aspectos del Islam. Esta …

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Presentation of C.O.A.M.U.R (Andalusian Coordinator of Rural Women’s Organizations)

On October 16, the official presentation of the organization COAMUR (Andalusian Coordinator of Rural Women’s Organizations) was held at the headquarters of the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation, to which the Seville Mosque Foundation was invited by courtesy of the ASIA Foundation . The event was attended by various political personalities, such as the Exc. Mayor of Seville, Mr. …

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Visit of Ustad Abdelgani to Gran Canaria

On December 21st and 22nd, Sheikh Abdel Gani Melara, Imam of the Seville Mosque Foundation, was invited to Gran Canaria for a series of talk and events. On Friday the 21st he was invited to give the jumuah khutba at the As Salam Mosque, in the Doctoral. That same night he gave a talk about ‘Ihsan’. And finally on Saturday …

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Programs of the XX Conference of Islamic Culture of Almonaster, Huelva

One more year the village of Almonaster la Real will go back to the past to immerse itself in the medieval Al-Andalus in the XX edition of its Islamic Culture Days. The town will once again fill its narrow streets with the magic and charm of Islamic culture. The village not only has a great natural and heritage beauty, but …

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