In the name of Allah, The Merciful and The Compassionate.
As-Salamu Alaykum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh.
My name is ʿĪsā and it has been a year since I discovered and accepted Islam as the path to undertake in this life that Allah, subhana wa to ‘Ala, has allowed us to experience.
And this past month I went through my first Ramadan.
A fundamental experience in which energies move in the community and we are forced to live.
So I have been able to learn everything that surrounds this important period.
As I have gone through this holy month, I have been able to see all the aspects and objectives that Allah, subhana wa to ‘Ala, places within his command.
Fasting in Ramadan is not just about detaching ourselves from whatever stimuli we may feel in this life.
It goes far beyond that.
It is maturity, a test of character that every year we have to go through and fulfill.
To put ourselves in the shoes of those people who do not live in the same conditions as many of us, so that we can grow and advance as people and good Muslims and connect with our essence.
For this Allah, subhana wa to ‘Ala, puts us during these days in difficult situations, because these are the ones that make us grow and learn to have control over ourselves.
It is there where lies the opportunity for maturity that Allah, subhana wa wa ta ‘Ala, gives us every year in this month of Ramadan, since it is what differentiates us from the rest of the creatures of creation.
Likewise, it is a period to spend in family and community, because it is the time in which Allah, subhana wa to ‘Ala.
gathers us to go through this fast together, which is what unites us all, and to be able to share every moment that He gives to each one of us and to disconnect from the rest to focus on the remembrance of the Most High.
I have come to understand the importance of these days.
The magic it holds, and all that it can offer us if we know how to take advantage of it in a good way.
God’s path is really simple, but we complicate it.
That is why if we give ourselves with patience and trust in true belief, He will lead us to success in the Dunyā.
It will be when we will be closer to our creator.
“Our Lord, make us devoted to You; Make of our offspring a
community devoted to You.
Show us how to worship and accept our
repentance, for You are The Ever-Forgiving, The Most Merciful.”
As-Salamu Alaykum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh
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