Spanish Muslims echo the pain of the attack in Paris against a media outlet and express our support for the French government, condemning the event without palliatives.
After several days of uncertainty and a high degree of misinformation, the French government has restored order as expected from a state of such strength.
Reflections on what happened begin to be as plural as they should be and so it is good to remember that every society has established throughout history limits that allowed the optimal evolution of human relationships.
Transgressing these limits for mere marketing, without any existential need and just for the fact of being the most eccentric and daring does not have optimal consequences.
Over the years, Muslims have expressed without any hesitation our rejection and opposition to all kinds of violence and criminal attacks.
We have expressed the feeling of disappointment at such acts and we have rejected all kinds of crimes around the world: the destruction of Iraq, the situation in Palestine, the siege of Gaza, the shame of Guantanamo, the massacres in Nigeria and a long list of thousands of deaths around the world where the spotlight of the media does not focus its attention and the political class does not take to the streets to express its revulsion.
France’s monstrous crimes are once again being used in an inquisitorial manner against the Muslim community.
We Muslims must not fall for provocations.
Allah, through the noble Qur’an and the practice of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, shows us all the elements to face the times in which we live.
Society needs justice, society needs equity, society needs alternatives, society needs truthful information, society needs another economic system.
Society needs Islam.