Summary of the exhibition of Andalusian manuscripts in the Sahel.

With the presence of Mr. Ambassador of Mali took place in the XXII Conference of Islamic Culture of Almonaster la Real a guided tour of the exhibition “Andalusian Manuscripts in the Sahel”.

At the request of the ambassador himself to participate in the activity, the speaker, Hajj Khalid grandson gave the floor on several occasions to such illustrious person, acting as translator of the speeches made in French.

Both conducted the visit following the order demanded by the exhibition.

They began by talking about the geographical situation of this area known under different names. Special emphasis was placed on the situation in the northern part of the country, plagued by radical and terrorist groups that prevent complete peace in Mali. The Ambassador referred to the breakdown of the Libyan state as one of the causes of the ills suffered by his country. He thanked the Spanish State for its collaboration with the State of Mali in actions aimed at eradicating the warlike action of extremist groups in the north of the country.

The Sahel and Al-Andalus had ancient relations before the 10th century, in times of the Andalusian Caliphate and was more intense with the Almoravids who linked the territories between the Niger River and the Ebro River in the Iberian Peninsula.

Among the most interesting stories told by both was the birth of Sudanese architecture by the coming to Timbuktu of Es-Saheli, Andalusian architect with the emperor Mansa Musa, first third of the fourteenth century, returning from the Hajj, pilgrimage to the house of Allah in Mecca.

They also spoke of the ethnic group, of Spanish descent, “Los Arma”, and how the expedition of Yuder Pacha on behalf of the Sultan of Morocco Al-Mansur, at the end of the sixteenth century, produced a crossbreeding whose cultural traits are still preserved today.

The Ambassador mentioned the situation of Mali’s libraries, especially the one called “Ahmed Baba”, and one of the best known in Spain, the Kati Fund, alluding to its relationship with the Gothic families converted to Islam in Toledo.

Hajj Khalid raised before those present the erudite culture of this African people, who have preserved their cultural legacy with such dignity. He also said that we should change the content of “sub-Saharan” in our perception of the people who come to our shores, because they come from their own cultures that colonial action dismantled and have not been revalued.

Thus, with the presence of up to 50 visitors, and after answering some questions from the audience, Mr. Ambassador closed his agenda and left again to the capital of Spain, where he has his official residence. Ambassador closed his agenda and left again to the capital of Spain, where he has his official residence.