Tafsir Class, September 22 – Sura tul Balad

Tafsir (commentary) class and teachings of the Quran, Ustad Abdelgani Melara.

90. SURA OF THE LAND (Balad)
In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate (1) I swear by this land! *[Meca .]
(2) This land that will be made lawful for you.
(3) And by a father and what he has begotten.
(4) That We have created man in penalty.* *[That is, life being for him a domain of action, effort and toil.]
(5) It is believed that no one has power over him.
(6) He says, I have dissipated great riches.
(7) Do you think no one has seen it?
(8) Have we not given him two eyes
(9) one tongue and two lips?
(10) And haven’t we pointed out the two ways?
(11) Sin embargo no ha emprendido la cuesta.
(12) ¿Y cómo hacerte saber qué es la cuesta?
(13) Es liberar a un siervo,
(14) o alimentar en un día de necesidad
(15) a un pariente huérfano,
(16) o a un mendigo polvoriento.
(17) Y es ser de los que creen, se aconsejan la paciencia y se aconsejan la piedad.
(18) Esos son los compañeros de la derecha.
(19) Pero los que se niegan a creer en Nuestros signos, ésos son los compañeros de la izquierda.
(20) Sobre ellos habrá un fuego cerrado.

Classes are held at the Seville Mosque Foundation on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm, broadcast live on this channel.