Tafsir Class, September 8 – Aleyas 1-3 of Sura Furqan

Tafsir (commentary) class and teachings of the Quran, Ustad Abdelgani Melara. Tuesday, September 8, 2020.

Blessed is He who has sent down to His servant the Discernment to be a warning to all the worlds!

He to Whom belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth and has taken no son nor shares the sovereignty with anyone.

He has created every thing and has determined it in everything. But ye have taken gods besides Him who create nothing, they are created; neither have they the capacity to harm or benefit themselves nor have they dominion over life, death and revival. ¨

Sura Furqan, ayat 1-3

And whoever fears Allah, He gives him a way out.

And He provides for him from where he does not expect it. Whoever abandons himself to Allah, He will suffice him.
Verily, Allah’s command goes as far as He wills.
Allah has given to every thing a term and a measure. ¨
Surah of Divorces, 2-3

The classes are held at the Seville Mosque Foundation on Tuesdays, broadcast live on the YouTube channel www.youtube.com/mezquitasevilla.