The full moon has risen over us

We recommend this beautiful book that is already available on the website of Lauh Editorial, to warm your hearts; to tell it to your children and / or students and thus strengthen their identity as Muslims and make them feel proud to be Muslims and to, with the permission of Allah, increase your love in family for the best human being that has been and will be in the history of mankind Muhammad ﷺ.

It is a book written by the Sevillian author, Muhammad Mujtar Medinilla, a teacher by vocation and profession, in which he transmits from the heart and with a captivating narrative, the story of the Hijra, the journey from Mecca to Medina made by the Messenger Muhammad ﷺ , a journey that would forever change the history of mankind.

It is a very special book because it is also illustrated by his daughter, artist Zahara Medinilla, who with her precise and detailed work, transports young and old to imagine life in that blessed era.

We sincerely hope that you like it and that it will be of benefit to everyone.