The recitation of the Hizb every day after the Maghrib prayer

In North Africa, countries such as Morocco, Algeria and Mauritania have maintained, and in many cases maintain, the tradition of reciting a hizb of the Qur’an after the Fajr prayer and after the Maghrib prayer.
Recitation is usually done in a group and in the mosque.
Group recitation of the Qur’an has many benefits and is a recommended practice within Islam (you can read more about this here).
Reciting the Qur’an is a way of doing dhikra, and doing it in a group is a way of encouraging people to recite it and making it easy for those who do not read or recite correctly.
In addition to this, in these countries it is also a way for hufad (those who have memorized the Qur’an) to review it regularly.
And reciting the Qur’an in a specific period of time, in this case it would be a month since two hizb (two sixty parts of the Qur’an) are recited, it is a practice recommended by the Prophet, peace be upon him.
It can also be interpreted as a way of following the various verses of the Qur’an, which call for remembering Allah morning and evening, for example:

And remember the name of your Lord morning and evening.

In the musal-la of the Mosque Foundation of Seville we wanted to institute and maintain this practice, promoted and established by the Imam, Ustad Abdelgani.
However, under the circumstances, only one hizb is recited after Maghrib, which would take two months to complete a recitation of the entire Qur’an.
We would like to invite all who have the opportunity to attend this recitation whenever possible, which is open to both men and women, and which takes place every day after the Maghrib prayer.