Below is the full video of the three intercultural dialogue tables, held at the Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo, in Seville on March 21, 2019.
The forum was structured in three dialogue tables that took place successively.
The first table served as an introduction to the event and was attended by: Prof. Syafiq A Mughni, Presidential Special Envoy for Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation and Civilization of Indonesia (UKP-DKAAP); H.E. Pak Hermono, H.E. Pak Hermono, H.E.
Ambassador of Indonesia in Spain; Dr. Nadjamuddin Ramly Tiwadjo, Director General of Diplomacy and Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia; and José Manuel Cervera Gragera, Managing Director of the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation and Mr. Amos García Hueso, of the Junta de Andalucía.
The second round table was held under the title ‘Multicultural and interreligious society. Dialogue on Muslim culture in a multicultural society in Spain and Indonesia’ and the third ‘Business opportunities and halal investment in Indonesia’.
The program concluded with a concert by the Riau Rythm Chamber Orchestra and La Beyaz who fused rhythms and melodies from Indonesia and Spain.
At the end, dinner and refreshments were served, giving participants the opportunity to interact with the guests.