Visit of Pehin Dato Halbi Yussof, Minister of Defense of Brunei

Yesterday we had the honor of receiving at the Seville Mosque Foundation the Minister in the office of the Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of Brunei Darussalam, Maj Gen Pehin Dato Halbi Yussof, together with his entourage, who made a courtesy stop at the Mosque to fulfill their prayers and where we were able to exchange words and gifts before continuing their trip.

It is always a pleasure and honor to receive visits from places where we have always been received with the most exquisite courtesy and try to reciprocate this to the best of our ability.

In 2016 we had the opportunity to meet with his good friend, and then High Comissioner of Brunei in Malaysia, Dato Al Haj Alaihuddin Taha, with whom we continue to maintain a cordial relationship to this day.