Visit of the Diyanet Vakfi Foundation of Turkey and distribution of Qurans

During the last few days we have had the honor of receiving the delegation of the Diyanet Vakfi Foundation, from Turkey, at the headquarters of the Mosque Foundation of Seville, as part of the program of distribution of the Qur’an with annotated translation by Hajj Abdel Gani Melara, Imam Khatib of the Mosque of Seville.
The delegation was represented by Macit Balci, Trustee of the Foundation, Abderrahman Cetin, Assistant Director General and Selahattin Karabostan, from the Projects and External Services Department.
During the visit and official delivery they met with the trustees of the Mosque Foundation of Seville andsoon various events will be announced for distribution in Seville, Insha Allah.

During the visit, the Koran was also distributed with a commented translation in the Great Mosque of Granada on the day of the jumua.
The Qurans are a donation from Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı and Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı from Turkey, as part of their program ‘My gift is the Quran’ The Seville Mosque Foundation collaborates and organizes together with TDV the distribution of these in Spain.

Our thanks to the Turkish Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Diyanet Vakfi Foundation, for this gift so beneficial to Muslims in Spain.