Visit of Ustad Abdelgani Melara to the Blas Infante de Almonte community, Huelva

On the occasion of the days of celebration of the “Isra wal Miraj” the Mosque Foundation of Seville has visited the Islamic Cultural Association “Blas Infante” of Almonte.
This fraternity visit fulfilled several objectives:

  1. To heed the invitation made to Imam Khatib Ustad Hajj Abdelghani Melara to instruct in the mosque
  2. Fraternizing and announcing the Quran delivery event
  3. Support the fundraising event for the purchase of its new headquarters, InshaAllah

The class given under the title “The Way of Muhammed” consisted of a passionate and overflowing review of topics related to the meaning of following the messenger, may Allah bless and peace.
Ustad Hajj Abdelghani explained the great gift that Allah gave to the Messenger, peace be upon him, with the Night Journey and the ascension to the seven heavens, explaining the harsh circumstances he was going through at that time.
He also spoke of how salat is a fard that comes from that journey, and how we have to be attentive to his hours, as the Messenger did, peace be upon him.
He also raised them for the achievement of the mosque we were in and encouraged them to get one of their own, mentioning the Ayat:

Men who are not distracted by business or commerce from the remembrance of Allah, from establishing salat and from giving zakat.

He described how the Messenger, peace be upon him, when he arrived in Madinah, first built the mosque and then the market.
One next to the other.
To purify wealth and hearts.
About this world he gave several examples of how little value it has, and how the messenger was given a choice between being a poor Prophet King or a poor Prophet, and he chose a poor prophet.
To always be dependent on their Lord.
And I urge you to be a good example to the people you live and work with.
He ended with the Fatiha and asked for blessings for the Prophet.
Later, Sidi Said Lfasi called for the collaboration of all those present to raise funds for the new headquarters.
For almost an hour, personal contributions were delivered, full of longing for this primordial achievement for the Muslim community of Almonte.
Later, after the salat of Isha, more than three hundred people enjoyed an exquisite couscous.
May Allah help these men of the countryside to establish a place of their own for the worship of the Most High.