Visit to Bapenta Darul Quran in Indonesia, with Ustad Yusuf Mansur

For a Muslim, it is always an honor and a joy to visit the places where the Qur’an is preserved through memorization.

The delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation visited the Bapenta Darul Quran Quran school in Indonesia, founded by Ustad Yusuf Mansur, during their trip to Indonesia to promote the project to build an Islamic cultural center and mosque in the city of Seville.
Ustad Yusuf Mansur, a renowned man of knowledge and successful businessman, has founded more than six thousand Quran schools throughout Indonesia in which more than six hundred thousand students study.
In addition to memorizing the Qur’an, students also continue with regular studies.
Ustad Yusuf Mansur offered a pleasant welcome to the delegation and shared a breakfast with them.
During this meeting, the Ustad showed his support for the project and spoke of the need for Muslims to raise the image of Islam in addition to strengthening themselves through entrepreneurial initiatives that allow them to help society.
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Ustad Yusuf Mansur for his welcome and support.
We hope that Allah will give him openness and increase both in this life and in the next and to see him again in future visits.