XI Islamic Festival of Mértola

After two years of difficulty and a lost edition, we celebrate with great joy the return of the Islamic Festival of Mértola from May 19 to 22, 2022, with a program full of activities for all audiences.

The event was inspired by the Islamic Culture Conference of Almonaster, where since its inception and until today, has been involved in its development and organization the Islamic Community in Spain and in particular the Muslim community of Seville through the Seville Mosque Foundation.

The Muslim community, represented by the Seville Mosque Foundation and the Islamic Community in Spain will be present at the opening ceremony with the authorities and in the Souk with more than 20 stalls during the four days, including an institutional stall with sale and distribution of free books. The adhan (call to prayer) will be given and prayer will be established in a public and open place. There will be a dhikr evening open to the public where dinner will be served for all attendees. Two conferences will be given and there will be a photographic exhibition of “Meknes in the World”.

The festival, now in its eleventh edition, has continued to grow in quality, relevance and size over the years to establish itself as a national reference in Portugal.

Congratulations in advance to the entire team that is working against the clock in the Chamber of Mértola, with uncertainty and great difficulties so that the thousands of attendees can enjoy a precious few days of meeting, learning and fun!

In the coming days we will share the program of the activities of the Seville Mosque Foundation within the Festival. To see the complete program, you can visit:
