Joint Notarial Act of Manifestations and Protocolization of the Zakat

On May 31, 2024 the Seville Mosque Foundation made a Joint Act of Manifestations and Protocolization before a notary, number one thousand six hundred and forty two, to raise to public the annual report of the year 2023, as well as the reports of previous years. This was done on the basis of a report commissioned to a law firm for the qualification and legal feasibility of the distribution of Zakat, according to the parameters followed.

In order to provide total transparency in the process of collection and distribution of Zakat, the Seville Mosque Foundation, without prejudice to the presentation and rendering of accounts to the Protectorate of Foundations, has decided to grant a notarial act of manifestations and notarization, on an annual basis, which will state the total amounts received and delivered as Zakat, monthly and annually, as well as the number of beneficiaries of the same, according to the annual report that is already made public annually.

This process is carried out ensuring that any action or process performed respects and protects the privacy and personal data rights of all persons involved, both those who give Zakat and those who receive it.

We consider this a crucial step, as it not only complies with legal requirements, but also reinforces our commitment and dedication to transparency and integrity, and more importantly, seeks Allah’s pleasure in the establishment of the Zakat pillar.

Distributing Zakat in a fair and transparent manner reinforces our commitment to the principles of justice and equity. Every step taken to be transparent and lawful is also a step in the direction of building a more just, supportive and equitable community. Insha Allah.