Presentation in Barcelona of the book; ‘Educación Decisiva’ by Hajj Jalid Nieto

Last January 13 was presented at the Alcántara institut d’estudis culturals i lingüístics, in the heart of Barcelona, the book Educación Descisiva. A brief treatise based on a tafsir of the Ayats (12 to 20) of Surat Al Luqman, in which the Sage advises his son, listing a series of principles necessary for the educational act to be complete. These Ayats were recited as a preamble to the lecture.

The event was organized by Sidi Abdul Wadud Sabaté and Luqman Nieto, in collaboration with the Institut’s management.

After a brief presentation of the educational path of the speaker and author, by his own son, Luqman Nieto, the session was developed with an explanation of the purposes of the text, and a lesson on the educational principles in Islam. Very much in line with the direct experience of Hajj Khalid Nieto. Both in his time as a teacher in public education, as in his role as an educator in the Islamic Community in Spain and Seville Mosque Foundation. With more than forty years dedicated to the education of youth and adults.

Some significant pages of the work were read, as required by the exposition. Especially the chapter called:
“Hope in a glorious destiny”. As well as the enumeration of the educational principles, which are inferred from the mentioned Ayats.

Tea and pastries were offered to the attendees, who stayed to talk with the professor. He was also the subject of many personal consultations, which caused the session to take longer than expected.

This was followed by a dinner attended by the organizers, some of the attendees and acquaintances in the city.

From today the book can be purchased at the headquarters of the Seville Mosque Foundation or ordered by e-mail to the address The price will be 10€. Plus shipping costs.