Visit of the Indonesian Ambassador to Spain to Seville

Last Friday, December 10, we had the honor of receiving in Seville HE Dr. Muhammad Najib, the new Indonesian Ambassador to Spain.

Dr. Muhammad, who landed in Spain just two weeks ago, came expressly to Seville to meet with the Seville Mosque Foundation in order to strengthen and expand the relations and activities in which the Indonesian Embassy and the Seville Mosque Foundation have collaborated in recent years.

After the reception and breakfast at the hotel where he was staying along with the delegation that accompanied him, they went to the headquarters of the Seville Mosque Foundation, in Plaza Ponce de León, where the protocol exchange of gifts and annual reports of the foundation took place.

We then proceeded to take a walking tour of Seville. From the Setas, Sierpes, the City Hall, to the Cathedral and Giralda, passing through the Alcazar and Santa Cruz neighborhood. Concluding the visit with a coffee at the Hotel Alfoso XIII.

At the conclusion of the meal, the Ambassador returned to the Mosque, where he attended the Yuma prayer, and was able to meet and interact with the diverse Muslim community of Seville.

Among the many topics discussed during Mr. Ambassador’s visit was his concern about the status of the Islamic Cultural Center project in Seville. Ambassador it is worth highlighting his concern about the status of the project of the Islamic Cultural Center of Seville; the bases for the organization of an intercultural and interreligious event were also established, similar to the one already held in Seville at the headquarters of the Three Cultures Foundation in March 2019 (link here); and the importance of trade relations between Spain and Indonesia, a country that is expected to be the fifth world power by 2030, was discussed.

It is hoped that Indonesia, as a country with a majority Muslim population, through the organization of this interfaith dialogue, can share experiences with all participants on how to live in harmony among followers of different religions and ethnicities.

Our sincere thanks to HE Dr. Muhammad Najib and his delegation for the visit and we hope it will be the beginning of an active and fruitful relationship. Insha Allah.

Attached are some of the media in Indonesia that have echoed the visit of Mr. Ambassador. Ambassador.